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News & Research

13 May 2022

Protecting against crypto fraud: the growth in the digital currencies and the evolution of crypto protection

May 2022 
By Sky Ojo
The creation of cryptocurrencies has provided new ways to interact with money. Bitcoin, recognised as the first widely-used cryptocurrency, was created with the ambition of becoming a decentralised global currency, which although not tangible, has similar uses to traditional currency. Its introduction led to new ways of sending and receiving fun…

From links with Russia to executive pay: the new risks to your digital profile

May 2022 
By Davina Thiara
More than ever, the lives of individuals in the public eye and senior executives of large and public businesses are facing scrutiny from journalists and citizen activists. Those concerned are being exposed to ever-evolving risks through their publicly-available online profiles. It has never been so easy for journalists to generate a comprehensiv…

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