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News & Research

6 October 2020

Anti-vax: The Battle to Control the Online Narrative

October 2020 
By Viv O’Connor-Jemmett
The likelihood of the global science community developing an effective Covid-19 vaccine over the next year is a matter of greater uncertainty than much of the public debate suggests. None of us find the concept of probability easy to handle and expectations are high. How and where the vaccine can then be manufactured at scale, at reasonable cost…

Docu-drama Review: ‘The Social Dilemma’

October 2020 
By Digitalis
Much of our time at Digitalis is spent helping clients shape their own online narratives rather than having search engine algorithms do it for them. The recent Netflix docu-drama, Social Dilemma, has done much to prompt debate on what ‘free’-to-use social media and search engines are doing to our concepts of truth and agency. Millions of us use …

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