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News & Research

21 November 2020

Subversion and manipulating public perceptions: the national security dimension

November 2020 
By Digitalis
The AFF – now in its third year – is a relatively new addition to the annual calendar of international conferences. Although the famous Davos conference has been delayed until the summer of 2021 and the Munich Security Conference seems increasingly unlikely to happen on its planned date in February 2021, the fact that the AFF conference took pla…

Watching what we say: Online content regulation in the uk

November 2020 
By Digitalis
In April 2020, BT chief executive Phil Jansen reported that 39 of his engineers had recently been assaulted by conspiracy theorists who imagined a connection between 5G networks and the spread of Covid-19. Over the same period, 80 separate attacks were reported on UK mobile network infrastructure. Of the 2,000 respondents to a 2020 Ofcom survey,…

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